Sweet Cicely on Road to Malham Tarn 18 May 2022. It is like that now.
I hope you might get out so some of the events this month.
All Events:
All week until Sat 18 May: Plant Sale for Christian Aid Week:
at Quaker Meeting House Garden: Bring your plants there (or to the Coffee Evening on Wednesday night at the Methodist Church
Wed 15 May: Christian Aid Coffee Evening
at St John’s Methodist Church: 6pm -7.30pm. Note Early time. Donations of plants/cakes are welcome: Please bring to event More info: 01729 822311. Bring your neighbours.

Wed 15 May: ‘Moulds, Mushrooms, Puffballs and More’:
talk by Dr Irene Ridge
Austwick Field and Local History Society, in Austwick Parish Hall , 7.30pm. Home-made light refreshments will be available after the talk providing the welcome opportunity for a chat; donations are welcome. AFLHS members free entrance. Visitors/guests £3 entrance.
Wed: 15 May: Settle Hang-Out 7-8.30pm on Wednesday Evenings at St John’s. : for people aged 11-17. Settle Youth Cafe is supported by local churches
Thursday 16 May: No Scottish Dancing at Settle This restarts in September 12
Sat 18 May Big Brekkie Butties Holy Ascension Church 10-1pm for Christian Aid.
Sat 18 May: Yorkshire Dialect:– Alan Hemsworth will give a talk entitled ‘In Grandmother’s Footsteps’ – about the Yorkshire dialect.at 7.0 pm . Alan is a well-known speaker in the Settle area. Admission is free. St John’s Methodist Church, Settle BD24 9JH
Mon 20 May: 7.15pm Craven Speakers Club, Skipton.
Gain confidence, experience and have a fun, relaxing evening out.
Your very last opportunity to come this term – Make use of it! Welcome to join in the activities.
Wed 22 May 4pm 5.30pm: Settle Eco-Explorers – Visit to Malham Tarn Fen boardwalk.
Meet at the Quarry Car Park See
google-maps SD882671 (On the Malham to Arncliffe Road, 400m before the turnoff to the Malham Tarn Estate. This is an excellent time of year to see the globeflowers.
Eco Explorers is for children aged 4-11 (but must bring an adult, and may bring younger or older siblings if you wish): We meet and go on walks / other eco activities on alternate weeks. Please book by phoning 01729822311 or email sally@thewatersons.org. This is usually led by Judith Allinson and Sally Waterson and keen parents. If you need a lift from Settle this may be possible.
22 May 5.30pm: Walk in Barbondale: with Cumbria Wildlife Trust local group: Join Liz and Roger Neale for a gentle wildlife walk in this delightful valley.Where: Barbondale, Barbon LA6 2LQ. Park and meet at the footbridge at Grid ref: SD 656 827
Booking required. To book your place, contact Roger Neale on 015242 41155. More details
1-30 June: 30 Days Wild
Sat 1 June: 1st of the month Climate Walk to Malham Tarn Fen board walk – for Craven Conservation Group and Churches Together in Settle and anyone interested. You will be able to recognise the Globeflowers by yourself, but local botanist Judith will be on hand to point our rare plants such as the Fibrous Tussock-sedge (very rare) , the Lesser Tussock-sedge, the Narrow Small-Reed (very rare) , The Common Reed (problem-taking over) Mare’s-tail, Mossy Saxifage, Goldilocks Buttercup, Sundew, Cranberry and several different species of Willow. Bring a packed “coffee break”. Please book/contact Judith beforehand. (email address as in this email).
Meet 9am at the Quarry Car Park. It may be possible to meet at the Swimming Pool Carpark at 8.30am to share transport. Quarry Car Park See google-maps SD882671 (On the Malham to Arncliffe Road, 400m before the turnoff to the Malham Tarn Estate)
Sat 1 June: Holy Ascension – Settle Parish Church: Bacon Butties: These are served on the 1st Saturday each month. 10am – 1 pm.
Wed 5 June: 4pm-5pm. Next Eco-Explorers walk. (for families) Contact Sally Waterson to be put on the list – then we will email/whatsapp the people to say where we will be going.
Sat 8 – Sun 16 June: Churches count on Nature / Love your Burial Ground week.
This is a week to carry out a wildlife survey in your churchyard. Could you encourage you church to do that? Or help them?

First Hawthorn coming into flower at Settle on 6 May 2024. The Hawthorn is out at Langcliffe too now.
10 & 12 June: Mon afternoon 10 June and Wed June 12 from 11am until 1pm and between 3pm and 5pm: Public welcome at St Mary’s Churchyard, Embsay near Skipton for Churches count on Nature Event.. The school children will also be doing a survey in the churchyard during that week.
9 June : Tax Justice Sunday.
Sat 15 9:30am Carling Gill – Black Force – Howgills Cumbria Lichens and Bryophytes group
22 June: YNU Vice County 64 Field Meeting: Lower Winskill Farm Settle – If you have interests in any branch of natural history, do come.
22 June: Restore Nature Now March – London
Sun 30th June 2024, 9:30am Cumbria Lichens and Bryophytes Group visit to Leck Beck, near Cowan Bridge
Wed 28 – Thur 29 August: Eco Explorers Summer Day Camp event at Lower Winskill Farm. for families with children aged 4-11 – To book your place contact me.
Regular Events:
Other Natural History Meetings in Yorkshire:
see: https://www.ynu.org.uk/join-the-ynu/societies
Every Wednesday: Settle Slimming World:
Settle Social Club, Duke St Settle
Weds 9am 10.30am & 6.30pm. No booking required. Details: contact Maxine 07713020736
