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  • November Events in Settle

November Events in Settle

** EVENTS **

1. Yorkshire Festival of Story: 4 till 27 Nov:
Some events in person, some on Zoom:
See programme here:
Programme – Yorkshire Festival Of Story
You can watch things you missed for up to 48 hours afterwards.


2. Sat 12 Nov: Action on Climate Emergency
‘All About Rivers’ (10-1pm) at Settle Victoria Hall:
10-10.30 chat over a cuppa |
10.30-11.30 a showing of the film ‘Riverwoods’ |
Details about Riverwoods here:-
11.30-12.15pm A talk from the River Ribble Trust  | by Jack Spees, Director and CEO of the River Ribble Trust.
11.30-12.15pm: via Zoom:  A talk from the River Ribble Trust – the above streamed live
The Upper River Ribble: Past, Present and Future – Yorkshire Festival Of Story.
(And if you miss it, it will be kept on line for 48 hours)
12.15-1pm chat over a final cuppa. NB the RRT talk will also be live streamed as a collaboration between ACE and Settle Stories as part of their YFOS –


3. Sat 12 Nov:  The Frank Flynn Trio: Concert of Jazz and Light Music
7.30pm St Johns Methodist Church, Settle BD24 9JH:  
Please come along and invite family, friends and neighbours to join us. Donations to cover costs.



4.   Mon 14 Nov: 4pm -5.30pm: Eco-Explorers for families – 
A group of about five families from a pool of c 10 families with primary aged children meet (usually) at St John’s Church, Settle and then go on an outdoor activity.  We welcome more families. This time as it is getting dark earlier, the event will be indoors – planting bulbs. (More details from me or 0775 3618381


5. Exhibitions at the The Folly  now till 23 Dec. Tuesdays-Saturdays  11-4pm
Please all you people who go for a wonderful meal at the Folly cafe
– and please all of you who visit Settle Tues-Sat when the museum is open –
Go to the top floor of the Folly and look at the exhibition on “Give Peat a chance” – on  Peat and Sphagnum.- just opened, with a square meter Sphagnum garden.  And whilst you are there on the stairs see the “All our Land” project and on the 1st floor the ACE Settle display on The Climate Emergency. The Folly



6. Thur 17 Nov  7.30pm Scottish Dancing Class-St John’s Church Hall, Settle. BD24 9JH  Beginners welcome: We do very easy dances in the first part.


7.  Mon 21 Nov:  Craven Speakers Club, Skipton:  .
Join us on alternate Mondays. 7.15 for 7.30pm, 28 Otley Street, Skipton, BD23 1EW.  

“Speakers Clubs” are very similar to “Toastmasters” clubs – Everyone improves! from 16 yrs to 116.
Are you:

  • someone running a startup firm ?
  • a school or college student needing to give a presentation ?
  • a teacher ?
  • an unemployed person ?
  • Someone who has to organise meetings?
  • someone who fancies a stimulating evening out.?
  • a good speaker who could help us by being an evaluator.?
  • someone prepared just to sit, enjoy, and swell the audience ?

See our video: Watch
See our NEW Website!!


Fri 25 Nov: We are invited to watch the film, “The Letter,” at St Mary & St Michael Catholic Church, Settle  1.30 – 2.50, with opportunity for discussion following.
Tillman Close, Settle BD24 9RA
Film 1.30pm – 2.50pm
Refreshments, cake and opportunity afterwards for discussion
The Letter is also available online at
I have watched bits of it – and it is very good – but if you come to the church you get the free cake too.

In Nicolas Brown’s documentary, leaders from Senegal, India, Brazil and the US travel to Rome for a deep dialogue with Pope Francis about his letter Laudato Si’ on Care for our Common Home. The voices of Indigenous people, youth, scientists, the poor and our planet’s wildlife challenge change that is more than just a green and science issue.


8. Every Wednesday: Settle Slimming World:
Settle Social Club, Duke St Settle

Weds 9am 10.30am & 6.30pm. No booking required. Details: contact Maxine 07713020736

9.  Various dates:  Nordic walking Nordic walking fitness walks.
10. I am pleased Settle Swimming Pool is open again. 
You can book online so you can see which sessions are busy and which have lots of spaces.  

I went on Tuesday. The changing rooms are lovely. So is the café area where I had a drinking chocolate.  I read a book on Wildlife Photos that was in a small display and looked at poster about the pool.
A big thank you to all who support the swimming pool second hand shop in town, and to all who have worked hard to get the pool going again, and to all who work there now.



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