1. Shop local from local independent dealers
2. Give presents of home made gifts – or your time.
3. Settle Community Christmas Day Meal is on again. (See end).
Also see list of Christmas events of Settle and District Churches at end.
Lots of Events:
Wed 27 Nov: 10.30am-midday – FairTrade stall at the Coffee Morning at St John’s Methodist Church. From Now on, on the last Wednesday of the month there will be a FairTrade stall at the Coffee Morning
Thur 28 Nov: Settle U3A
General Talk 10am for 10.30 start: St John’s Methodist Church Hall: Talk by Ellie Park of the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust on “Wild Ingleborough”
Thur 28 Nov: Warm Space 2pm-4.30pm at St John’s Methodist Church, Settle, BD24 9JH. The church and coffee lounge is open for you to use as a warm space. Come and enjoy watching a film, or play board games in the coffee lounge, or just sit with your laptop getting work done, or read a book.
Thur 28 Nov: pre Christmas Late night Opening for shops in Settle – 6-8pm.
Thur 28 Nov: “Christmas with Grace” – An Artisan craft and food market 4-8pm – Clapham LA2 8ER
Thur 28 Nov Settle Scottish Dancing:
Beginners and new people and visitors welcome 7.30pm -9.30pm each Thursday. St John’s Church Settle BD24 9JH Details: 01729 830229. Lovely music, good to chat to people, keeps your heart and legs fit and keep your brain working.
And Fun.
*********************************Sun 1 Dec: Early afternoon climate/natural history walk – Led by Judith Allinson for Craven Conservation Group and Churches Together. Location to be confirmed. See pictures of 1 November’s Walk to see the Leaky Dam at Thornton in Lonsdale and other previous walks here. Ask Judith for details
Mon 2 Dec: Craven Speakers Club at Skipton www.cravenspeakers.com 7.15pm – alternate Mondays
This evening will be a traditional evening: i.e. Two Speeches followed by two evaluations of these speeches-where we all learn what good points the speeches and one or two ways of improving them. Then we have “Topics Sessions” where a few volunteers give instant 2min speeches on topics given to them. Meet at the Soroptimists Rooms, 28 Otley Street, Skipton, BD23 1EW
Wed 4 Dec 10am: U3A Walking netball (and fun warm up games) at St John’s Methodist Church (and come for coffee afterwards) -weekly
Sun 15th December 2024, 9:30am Cumbria Lichens and Bryophytes Group Black Beck Woods nr Bouth, nr Newby Bridge
Sat 7 Dec: Langcliffe Christmas Coffee Morning at Langcliffe Institute
Sat 7 Dec: 11am-3pm Christmas Craft Fair at Settle Catholic Church
Mon 9 Dec: 19.30: Talk by: Derek Whiteley, President of the YNU: The Natural History of Christmas Hosted by Upper Wharfedale Field Society Octagon Theatre: Devonshire Institute (Town Hall) in Grassington BD23 5AA (YNU = Yorkshire Naturalists Union)
A light hearted look at the fauna, flora, fungi and natural phenomena associated with Christmas past and present.
Mon 9 Dec: “Soup-a-Carol” – a St John’s Methodist Church Settle Event – 7.30pm
Th 12- Sun 15 Dec: Nativity Scenes Exhibition – St John’s Methodist Church- open from 10 am to 4pm – tea/coffee served. Have you a Nativity Scene that you would like to lend? We need them for one week so that we can prepare a leaflet. 07709 505056 for details.
Mon 16 Dec: Craven Speakers Club at Skipton www.cravenspeakers.com 7.15pm – alternate Mondays
Christmas Activities. Meet at the Soroptimists Rooms, 28 Otley Street, Skipton, BD23 1EW www.cravenspeakers.com – —- NEW MEMBERS AND VISITORS WELCOME
25 Dec: Settle Community Christmas Day Dinner and Tea 11.45am-5pm: St John’s Methodist Church Hall. £10. For people of all ages. More details at bit.ly/SettleCDM
Mon 6 Jan 7.30pm: Talk by Judith Allinson: An introduction to Lichens
Hosted by Upper Wharfedale Field Society Octagon Theatre: Devonshire Institute (Town Hall) in Grassington BD23 5AA
Lichens are a much unrecorded section of our wildlife. Yet it has been said they cover 6-8 percent of the world’s land surface. Recently more people have become aware of their importance
10-12 Jan: Leeds: Christians Aware Conference: ‘In a Fractured World – work for reconciliation towards justice and peace.’ Speakers: Anthony Reddie, Professor of black theology at Oxford University. Jenny Wright, chaplain to the Archbishop of York, on reconciliation work in South Africa; Adam Boulter – his biblical paintings. Jon Swales, leader at Leeds Lighthouse, will speak about climate change and the dangers we all face if nothing is done to halt it. Seminar group leaders including Subash Chellaiah, Jonathon & Monica Doering, Linda Ramsden,Peter Rookes, Ellen Teague and Adam Boulter.
Regular Events:
Other Natural History Meetings in Yorkshire:
see: https://www.ynu.org.uk/join-the-ynu/societies
Every Wednesday: Settle Slimming World:
Settle Social Club, Duke St Settle
Weds 9am, 10.30am & 6.30pm. No booking required. Details: contact Maxine 07713020736
See lots more activities at Settle Community and Business Hub e.g.
Settle Community Munchers take place on Monday and Thursday Lunchtimes at the Friends Meeting House – pop in for lunch – just donate what you can afford and have a friendly chat with others there – I suggest 12 midday to 12.30 is a good time to go. (less food left after that). Some of the fresh food they use is donated by local supermarket/shops that is near end of sell by date. Delicious soups made by the cook at Settle Community Munchers. Do call in and give it a try.
Swimming Pool is open .
Hydro jog; Aquaerobics, Abs Blast, Senior Circuits (highly recommended for people my age…) Lane Swimming, Open swimming and a whole host of other activities.
You can book online and see which sessions have lots of spaces.
They are good value. Please encourage your friends to go. There is a café https://www.settleswimmingpool.co.uk/cafe/
Do pass this events email on to others who may be interested.
Best wishes from
Judith Allinson
See Churches Together in Settle and District website – ctisad.org.uk/