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  • Settle Events Feb 2023

Settle Events Feb 2023

** EVENTS **

1. Sat 11 Feb (10.30am-12.30pm) : ACE Settle (Action for Climate Emergency) are holding their monthly Green Café : – all welcome to come and chat over over refreshments about topical issues. This will also be an opportunity for members to feedback on the running of ACE (as one of two meetings each year, the other being the AGM)
This will include a presentation from the RSPB’s Catherine Ramsey about local involvement with the Curlew Recovery Project.  Catherine Ramsay wrote to Craven Conservation Group last week:-
       Volunteers Wanted for RSPB Breeding Wader Survey!
Many species of wading birds are declining nationally. The RSPB needs your help to complete surveys to collect essential data about the populations of Curlew, Lapwing, Snipe, Redshank and Oystercatchers in the Forest of Bowland. This science will then contribute to habitat management plans, inform policy decisions and help influence external organisations. Find out more here: or email

2 Sat 11 Feb (10-1pm) – ACE biodiversity group is now participating in regular work groups with the Ribble River Trust. The next will be a litter pick at Long Preston. More information from Andrew Pease 07826 518626 2. Sat 11 Feb (10-1pm) ACE biodiversity group


Mon 13 Feb: Craven Speakers Club – 7.15 for 7.30pm. at the Soroptimists Rooms, 28, Otley Street, Skipton.BD23 1EW You can read about them here in the Craven Herald or in this week’s paper on page 5. at the Soroptimists Rooms, 28, Otley Street, Skipton.BD23 1EW3. Mon 13 Feb: Craven Speakers Club – 7.15 for 7.30pm.  It said:

  • ” The guests who came for the first time, were in awe of the level of expertise of the speakers and how they had developed it all among themselves as a self help group. New members and visitors are welcome at Entrance is £5 an evening, but new people are welcome to their first two meetings free. The club is offering a discounted total fee of £15 for all club evenings until the end of May 2023 if joining by February 13.”


4. Wed 15 Feb 12 midday: Talk on “Settle Energy Club by Sandy Tod at St John’s Methodist Church (after Coffee Pot) in church – this is a shortened version of the talk he gave at the Library this Wednesday, and more specific to St John’s Church.


5. Wed 15 Feb (7.30pm): Climate debate at Hornby Institute (LA2 8JR). “Help Reduce Climate Change – Eat Less Meat”. Two speakers on each side of the debate. Two representatives from Small World Consulting (Mike Berners-Lee’s company) and two representing farming interests; one of which will be from the Red Meat Association. Free admission and plenty of roadside parking.


6. Thur 16 Feb: 7.30pm: Craven Conservation Group talk by Ellie Parker:  Wild Ingleborough: Fighting Climate Change, aiding nature’s recovery ” St John’s Methodist Church, Settle BD24 9NT

(£5-00 visitors – £1-00 members ) .Coffee biscuits and chat afterwards.
We have had several requests to make it available by for zoom as well: I will be telling Craven Conservation Group members the Zoom Link. If you are not a member of CCG – then email me.


7. Thur 16 Feb (and every Thursday)   7.30pm Scottish Dancing Class –St John’s Church Hall, Settle. BD24 9JH  Beginners welcome: We do very easy dances in the first part.

8. Tue 21 Feb, : “Memories of Empire: Ukraine & Russia” – An illustrated talk by Tim Smith, photographer,
Settle Victoria Hall. He says: “I worked in Ukraine as it became independent in 1991, which sealed the final collapse of the Soviet Union. My images, taken both sides of this pivotal moment, illustrate a photo essay about how Ukraine’s history frames the current conflict.” £10.00 All proceeds to Refugee Support Europe.


9. Wed 22 Feb: 2pm:  Settle Gardening Club Talk: “Lockdown Wildflower Discoveries of Settle” by Judith Allinson.  At the Quaker Meeting House, Kirkgate, Settle  Visitors Welcome: £5-00

10. Wed 22 Feb:  Eco Explorers: 4pm – 5.30pm. For families with children 4 – 11. We are restarting! Meeting fortnightly on Wednesday afternoons straight after primary School. The first three sessions will be at least partially indoors. Then after Easter we will meet outdoors and go on various walks/activities
This week meet at St John’s Methodist Church – In the week beforehand it would be good if you could collect some labels from Fair-Trade goods, then bring them.


11. Wed 22 Feb 4.30pm (c 1hr) Friends of the Yorkshire Dales online: Digital Talk: Raptor Persecution by As Investigations Officer for the RSPB, Howard Jones who works with the police to investigate crimes against threatened wild bird species; Book Early


12. Wed 22 Feb: Austwick Field Society The Work of the River Lune Trust. Speaker Tim Pitt at Austwick Parish Hall. 


13. Wed 22 Feb: The relationship between FUNGI and TREES  Fungi as foes and friends of trees. 7:30pm – 9:00pm Bective Room, Kirkby Lonsdale, Following rapid developments over the last 20 years, Dr. Mike Hall will give us all the details with this excellent illustrated talk.


14.  27 February – 12 March 2023. Fair Trade fortnight:   Could you organise an event?  

Making the small switch to Fairtrade supports producers in protecting the future of some of our most-loved food and the planet. Did you know coffee, bananas and chocolate could soon be much more difficult to find on our shelves? Climate change is making crops like these harder and harder to grow. Combined with deeply unfair trade, communities growing these crops are being pushed to the brink.


15.  Mon 27 Feb: 7.15 pm for 7.30pm – till 9.45pm: Craven Speakers Club: 28 Otley Street BD23 1EW
New learners, competitors, audience and friends are welcome. Grasp the challenge of a NEW You this 2023! 


16. Wed 1 March:10.30am-12.00 St John’s Methodist Church:  Coffee Pot to celebrate Fair Trade Fortnight


17. Wed 1 March: Likely start time: 1.30pm- 4pm: “Walk for the climate” –  – Location to be confirmed  Joint Craven Conservation Group – Churches Together event led by Judith Allinson   See pictorial report of the walk and visit inside Giggleswick School Chapel last week


18. Wed 8 March:  Eco Explorers: 4pm – 5.30pm. For families with children 4 – 11.  It is likely that we will be meeting outside Booths at 3.50pm then walking to St John’s Methodist Church for 4.15pm Looking t trees and lichens en route. If you are new contact me (J.A.)  to find final plans.


19. Sat 11 March:  ACE Settle -Action for Climate Emergency : St Johns Methodist Hall Settle BD24 9JH(10.30-12.30) – this session will have a circular towns focus, with a speaker from the York and North Yorkshire Local Enterprise Council’s Circular Town’s project, local initiatives and an update on ACE Energy Group’s on local energy generation project.


20. Thur 16 March: Craven Conservation Group Talk: Liz Groves of Craven Badger Group Forum


21. Every Wednesday: Settle Slimming World:
Settle Social Club, Duke St Settle

Weds 9am 10.30am & 6.30pm. No booking required. Details: contact Maxine 07713020736

22.  Various dates:  Nordic walking Nordic walking fitness walks.


23. Thursdays 2pm-4pm – St John’s church Settle has every Thursday afternoons as its “Warm space afternoon” . 2-4.30pm. The church and coffee lounge are open: Free coffee, a place to charge you phone, sit, work, chat;

24. I am pleased Settle Swimming Pool is open again.

You can book online so you can see which sessions are busy and which have lots of spaces.  

I notice there are more people at the sessions now.


Right – the “lambs tails”  or catkins on Hazel trees just have lots of tiny flowers with anthers that make pollen – they are male flowers.

Best wishes 

Judith Allinson


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